Alice and Gabriel find themselves in a magical world, full of extraordinary creatures, fantastic machines, giant plants, legendary characters…
“Look over there, on top of the mountain, there’s an animal with very long horns!”
“Hello, I’m an ibex. I’m the King of the Alps, let me tell you my story”
The project
AMusEn (Association pour un Musée des Enfants) aims to establish a childrens’ museum in the Geneva region – a venue both educational and fun, designed primarily for children. Its theme “Switzerland – a country of diversity” will address topics such as science, demography, history, arts, nature, politics and sport.
Museomix kids, 2019 © AMusEn
AMusEn ?
On April 11, 2016, a group of parents launched AMusEn in the Geneva region. The objective is straightforward: to offer families living in and around Geneva a venue (inspired by childrens’ museums visited abroad) adapted to the particularities of Switzerland.