On April 11, 2016, a group of parents launched AMusEn (Association pour un Musée des Enfants – association for a childrens’ museum) in the Geneva region. The objective is straightforward: to offer families living in and around Geneva a venue inspired by childrens’ museums visited abroad, adapting the concept to the particularities of Switzerland.
Although the last decade has seen huge improvement in offerings for young audiences by various cultural or commercial actors in the region (dedicated visits and events, specifically equipped spaces, etc.), demand for kids activities remains extremely strong. The concept of AMusEn would bring a completely new and attractive contribution to the local community.
The association has gradually set up a network of “advisory members” in order to benefit from their varied skills to develop the project further (lawyer, architect, early childhood educator, museographer, financial advisor, etc.). It has also established local partnerships with the aim of jointly developing some of the activities.
AMusEn has chosen to collaborate with the LL.TT studio in Turin for the design of the museum, due to its experience in quality avant-garde projects.

Qui Suis(se)-je ? ©AMusEn & OulliPoC
Project History
see complete timelineThe 5 members of the AMusEn committee:
- Nicolas HUBER, president (contact)
- Laurence COLLINS, vice-president
- Bertrand DONNINGER, treasurer
They can rely on a network of advisory members providing specific skills. (see complete list).
Thank you to the members of our support committee:
- Zep, comic book author
- Henri Dès, author, composer, singer
- Johan Djourou, Swiss international footballer
- Sonia Grimm, children’s singer
- Jean Zermatten, child rights expert
- Séverine Pont-Combe, ski mountaineering champion
- François Confino, architect and scenographer

Our partners

Press review

Le Courrier, 19 juin 2017, p.6: “Un musée des enfants à Genève?”, 20 juin 2017: “Un projet de musée pour les enfants est lancé à Genève”
Yes FM, 20 juin 2017, informations de 8h01 & 18h01
Tribune de Genève, 29 juin 2017: “Un musée genevois destiné aux enfants? L’idée est officiellement lancée”
L’Illustré, 5 juillet 2017: “Les 7 personnalités qui font bouger la Suisse romande”
Tribune de Genève, 7 mars 2018:“Les enfants auront bientôt leur musée”
Léman Bleu, 7 novembre 2018: Journal de 18h30 (boucle)
Bilan, 9 janvier 2019: “Un premier musée dédié aux enfants pourrait voir le jour à Genève en 2024”
Migros Magazine, 21 janvier 2019, p.25: “Les enfants inventent leur musée”
Radio Lac, 13 février 2019: “Les bonnes idées de Barbara” (10h50 & 13h50)

Our advisory members
- TAUFIQ ABDILAH, Communications Officer
- EMMANUEL BERTINOTTI, Financial Advisor
- FRANCINE BOUCHET, Editor (La Joie de lire)
- NICOLAS CHABLOZ, Computer scientist
- YVES DREIER, Architect
- EVELYNE GAZAGNE, HR, Finance and Admin Director
- CAROLINE GRANDJEAN, Childhood educator
- BERNARD HUBER, Retired teacher
- NORA BERIOU, Cultural Mediator
- CATHERINE NERI, Director of a shopping and leisure centre; communications and marketing director
- HÉLÈNE ONTIVEROS, Specialised teacher
- MARTINE PERNOUD, Psychologist, music therapist (La Bulle d’Air)
- YANN SCHNYDER, Biology and sport teacher
- CORNELIUS SPAETER, Upholsterer-decorator
- JEHANNE ZAKI, Event & communication specialist
- SASKIA ZÜRCHER, Interior designer